Новости из Пайнвуда (cпасибо emma с johnnydepp-zone.com)
On Friday 1st April 2011, @ray_likethefish said:
@empiremagazine Looking forward to Dark Shadows. They're building the most massive set on the Green Screen for it. As there are a few fishing trawlers parked on the back of lorries nearby, we believe they're building a Port on the Green Screen/Wet Stage. Have some (crappy pics). Before - http://twitpic.com/4fptfc and After - http://twitpic.com/4fpubc Doesn't really show off quite how large it is. But suggestions are they're going to temporarily extend the green screen for the shoot!
То есть на фоне зеленого экрана строят пристань с кораблями. Действие будет происходить в порту. Зеленый экран собираются расширять