Появилась информация о том, что на ежегодном собрании Диснея показали наконец фрагмент со Шляпником в имполнении Деппа. Это дейстфительно тот шляпник, что мы видели на фото с кроликом. Макияж описан так: "яркий цветной макияж на щеках, глазах и губах, напоминающий кляксу, размытую вертром" (перевод мой). Сказано, что показали его всего на мгновенье, так, что хор охов и ахов наполнил кинотеатр (как все любят Деппа, божжжжжжже), и якобы даже боссов Диснея с каменными лицами это потрясло.
Также сказано, что в первом издании Журнала D23 , которое стоит не 10, а 15 долларов есть концепт-арт чаепития руки Тима. Полагаю, это для небожителей что ли? Не пойму.
There it was, buried in a video montage that kicked off the Walt Disney Company’s annual meeting Tuesday: the first true glimpse of Johnny Depp as the Mad Hatter in Tim Burton’s upcoming “Alice in Wonderland.” Victorian top hat, crimped hair that sticks straight out, and swirl of brightly colored make-up on his eyes, cheeks and lips that resembled the blur of a pinwheel blowing in the breeze.
It was a blink-and-you-missed-it moment but most shareholders seemed to catch it, with a chorus of oohs and ahhs rising from the packed theater. The image even seemed to impress Disney board members, who sat mostly stone-faced in the fifth row during the two-hour meeting. (Except for Steve Jobs and Fred H. Langhammer, who did not attend.)
No, a spokeswoman said afterwards, a picture would not be made available. Presumably the company didn’t want to rain on the parade of “Disney Twenty-Three,” a pricey new quarterly magazine that was introduced at the meeting and features an interview with Mr. Burton and concept art for his tea party in its $15.95 first issue.
“It’s kind of a mixture of some distorted live action and animation,” the filmmaker is quoted as saying of the film, set for a March 2010 release. “I’m not sure what to relate it to. It’s kind of new territory for me.”
The meeting was fairly routine – shareholder efforts to reign in compensation were defeated – but the trip for board members contained a bonus. John E. Pepper Jr., Disney’s chairman, said the board spent Monday on an inaugural visit to Pixar’s corporate campus in Emeryville, Calif. (The board has never been to Pixar before?) Included in the tour: a 3-D screening of “Up,” Pixar’s upcoming release about an elderly man’s balloon ride to the tropics, and early footage of “Toy Story 3,” which was deemed “jaw-droppingly good” by one attendee.