На Зоне житель Токио пишет, что премьера ВО будет 12 декабря и Красная дорожка откроется в 6 вечера по токийскому времени.
Странная путаница с датами. В изначальном посте сообщалось, что Джонни будет на мероприятиях 9 и 10 ноября. Предлагаю подождать завтрашнего утра, чтобы все прояснилось.
А пока так:
пост Charlotte Depp
от 3 декабря от 3-12 PM
Johnny will come to Japan for PE promotions.
He will attend press conference on 9th December, and PE Japan Premiere on 10th December.
He said " I'm looking forword to seeing Japanese fans .
Пост токийки GAO от 6-30 PM
A bit more of the schedule information.
The Japan premiere will be held in Roppongi Hills, as usual.
The gate of the arena is going to be opened for the ticket holders at 5:00 p.m.
The Red Carpet event is going to start at 6:00 p.m.
Johnny's arrival time hasn't been announced.
December 12, 6:00p.m. in Japan is...
:lilyrose: December 12, 9:00a.m. in GMT.
:lilyrose: December 12, 4:00a.m. in EST.
от 4 декабря
Пост AnaMaria чуть позже:
That's wonderful news ! :heart2: Thanks Charlotte Depp and GAO for the schedule.
I'm confused about the dates, though:
Charlotte Depp wrote:
He will attend press conference on 9th December, and PE Japan Premiere on 10th December.
GAO wrote:
December 12, 6:00p.m.
Which is the correct date ?